Blogs By Dr. Sanjay Jamdade

In-credibly simple! – Part 1 Sanjay Jamdade


Why do patients disregard a dentist’s advice? Why do they choose someone else’s
services over ours? Especially when they can easily afford our services, are
staying pretty close to our practice, they have seen our latest gadgets and
gizmos. Shortly put, there is no logical reason for them to avoid our practice.
And on the other hand why do they go elsewhere and spend twice of what they would
have in our practice? And probably even end up boasting about their new crowns,
laminates and new ‘whatever’.
The number of reasons if put together could fill up a book! Yet one reason stands
out. Credibility. Yes, credibility! What gives doctors credibility?
Look at it the other way around. What gives credibility to the car mechanic in
whose hands we trusted our car for the first time that we did so? And how did he
gain our confidence? Firstly by being an authorized care car center, not the ‘run
of the mill’ type. By telling us beforehand what the car check would cost and then
by patiently hearing us out and analyzing the problem carefully, examining our car
in great detail and taking notes on the ‘job sheet’ while doing so. Coming up with
a provisional explanation as to why that problem occurred, and only then offering
a solution that any worldly wise person would easily accept. Finally explaining
what all repairs and replacements would be needed in a systematic manner and
writing against it the estimated expense for repairs, replacements and the labor
charges plus taxes if any. His words then have “credibility’.
We as doctors should hear out our patients completely, do thorough examinations,
conduct all needed tests and take radiographs if needed, compare our examination
findings and test results, all according to a scientifically current protocol
accepted worldwide, involve the patient at every step only then offer a logical
diagnosis. Take your time and draw out a treatment plan in parlance with the
patient, listing out necessary treatments and their sequence, the costs involved
and how the payments are expected to be made. Always have a ‘plan B’ ready, in
case your ‘plan A’ doesn’t appeal to the patient. Needless to say, be thoroughly
trained for the proposed job and eventually execute the treatment just as you
planned and as adroitly as possible. Be consistent in thought, word and deed.
When we convey to the patient that we have really “understood” his problem and
drawn up a “road map” to health and written in clear terms how we will go about it
and finally how we expect to do be remunerated for our efforts we have created
“credibility and trust” for ourselves in the eyes of our patients. And that
credibility shall see us through decades of successful clinical practice!

In-credibly simple, isn’t it!

Dr Sanjay Jamdade is a speaker on dental implants and is a visiting consultant
with few prominent dental clinics in and around Mumbai for implants and oral
rehabilitation. He is also the CEO of Dr Jamdade’s Dental clinic and Implant
center since 23 years which is a practice devoted to aesthetic dentistry,
microscope assisted endodontics, implants and oral rehabilitation situated near
Tarapur Atomic Power Station at Boisar Tal Palghar Dist Thane near Mumbai, India,
email: –
Disclaimer : The views expressed in this blog are solely the views of the author
and need not reflect the views of . For any clarification you
can get in touch with the author directly at the address mentioned above.

Dr Sanjay Jamdade
Dental Surgeon
113, La Gosalia Park,
Tarapur Road, Boisar
Taluka Palghar
District Thane
Pin 401501